Services and Offerings:
A 16 Week Journey:
Week 1: How do you define equity in education?
Week 2: What are your core beliefs?
Week 3: What are your core values?
Week 4: Are you colorblind?
Week 5: Do you have inclusively inviting facilities?
Week 6: Are students civically engaged?
Week 7: What story do your textbooks tell?
Week 8: Are your policies procedures oppressive?
Week 9: Can Restorative Practices work in my school/district/organization?
Week 10: How do you see your authority?
Week 11: Whose voice is most empowered?
Week 12: How safe is it to share?
Week 13: Is your curriculum and instruction culturally responsive?
Week 14: What is the power of a professional learning community (PLC)?
Week 15: How are you getting the community involved?
Week 16: What’s the story about your organization’s culture?
The Power of Names: Part II – Leading Equity Center
Building Systems and the Power of PLCs – Tackling Tech Podcast
Student Voice and Student Choice – The Proctor Institute
Great Manager, Rotten Leader: I Tried to Change Everything Immediately
Cultural Competency – Flipboard EDU Podcast