Equity Among Educators
Discrimination in the workplace is not a new concept, but it’s one that we strive to eliminate through the power of equity. Equity in education is essential because it creates opportunities for disadvantaged children so that they may overcome their individual challenges and achieve success. This doesn’t happen overnight, but as educational leaders it is our job to forge the path for our educators, so they may forge the path for our pupils. This starts with ensuring that educators have an equitable work environment that they feel supported in. How can us leaders provide that? Let’s brainstorm.
Develop Your Skills

As a leader, one substantial way to foster a work environment with equity is to develop your skills. Consider concepts like empathy, emotional intelligence, awareness, and communication. Are you extending empathy to every person who steps foot through the doors of your institution? Is your emotional intelligence developed enough to understand other people’s emotions during conflict? Are you aware of why certain students might be at a disadvantage, and their specific needs to reach success? Do you encourage open and safe communication among your educators and pupils? Strengthening these skills, and encouraging your educators to do so as well, is the first step to fostering an equitable work environment.
Provide Workplace Support

How are you using your power as a leader to support your educators? Providing support is another significant way to foster equity among educators. Forge inclusive spaces that are anti-racist, LGBTQIA+ positive, and accessible for people with disabilities. Create space for your marginalized educators to express concerns and suggest improvements without fear of retaliation. Uplift your educators through the respectful use of their preferred pronouns by everyone. Encourage them to foster these inclusive spaces in their classrooms. Do more than employ individuals. Provide them workplace support. Make them feel safe and proud to work at your institution.
Prioritize Their Health

The job of an educator is not easy. Most times, work weighs down one side of the scale, often leaving educators to feel burnt out both physically and mentally. In prioritizing your educators’ well-being and mental health, you acknowledge they are human beings who need rest. Ensure your educators have designated lunch and break times (and that they’re taking them). Understand the unique stressors faced by your marginalized educators and educators of color. Encourage your educators to take the time they need to heal and rest if they are physically or mentally unwell. Prioritizing both your educators’ mental and physical health strengthens the well-being of your community overall.
Leaders, it is our responsibility to create equitable spaces for learning, so that every child can achieve success. This starts with our educators. They are so much more than employees; they are people who dedicate their lives to upholding educational standards that provide access to resources, stability, and success. GOMO Educational Services provides the tools and guidance that will help you foster community in your organization. Contact us today to level up as an educational leader!